SOAP Copywriting Framework

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The SOAP framework is a method for creating content that focuses on four key elements: Shareability, Optimization, Authenticity, and Personalization. By following these elements, you can create content that is more likely to be shared, optimized for search engines, authentic to your brand and audience, and personalized to meet the needs of your audience.

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AIDA Model for Copywriting

AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. It is a classic model for writing persuasive copy that is designed to lead a reader through a process of engagement and motivation, to take a specific action. The framework is often used in advertising, marketing, and sales copy, and it is a useful tool for anyone looking to craft effective, persuasive messages.

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Made to Stick

Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. Mark Twain once observed, "A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can even get its boots on." His observation rings true: Urban legends, conspiracy theories, and bogus news stories circulate effortlessly.

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Breakthrough Advertising

This is not a book just for copywriters and other advertising experts but a book for every business owner, marketing expert or anyone who needs to increase sales. The reason why is because it deals with how to channel the forces in the marketplace which control sales. Put simply, Gene's book addresses the universal problem of all copywriting: How to write a headline — and an ad that follows it — that will open up a whole new market.

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